The Lunar Eclipse Rx: A Prescription for Physical Healing with Scorpio Energy
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The Lunar Eclipse Rx: A Prescription for Physical Healing with Scorpio Energy

Let's dive right in and talk about the physical healing properties of the Lunar Eclipse with a Full Moon in Scorpio. This lunar event is associated with the reproductive organs, bladder, and colon, which makes it a good time for detoxification and cleansing. Think of using the energy like a cosmic reset button for your body, allowing you to release negative emotions and toxins from your body. The Lunar Eclipse with a Full Moon in Scorpio is like hitting the refresh button on your health!

Let's talk about how!

The Lunar Eclipse with a Full Moon in Scorpio can have different physical effects on individuals, depending on their natal chart and the houses ruled by Scorpio. Scorpio’s energy is generally associated with the reproductive organs, bladder, and colon, while the Moon is associated with the fluids of the body, stomach, and breasts, which may be the areas of the body that need extra support during this lunar phase. The Lunar Eclipse with a Full Moon in Scorpio can have different physical effects on individuals, depending on their natal chart and the houses ruled by Scorpio. So go to your chart and take a look at where Scorpio and the Moon is in your chart or click here for more information.

Here are some common physical ailments that the Lunar Eclipse with a Full Moon in Scorpio may be impacting the collective, in general!

  • Reproductive System: The energies of the lunar moon being at its peak and the moon's association with the female reproductive organs combined with the intense transformative energy of Scorpio could lead to a flare-up of reproductive issues, such as menstrual cramps, cysts, or endometriosis. To support reproductive health during this time, herbal treatments like raspberry leaf tea or dong quai can help regulate hormones and reduce inflammation. Acupuncture or abdominal massage can also stimulate blood flow to the reproductive organs and alleviate pain.

  • Bladder Issues: The moon being at its peak and ruler of the fluids in our body combined with Scorpio's extreme nature, it is no surprise that bladder issues, such as urinary tract infections or incontinence, can also be triggered during this lunar phase. To support bladder health, drinking plenty of water and herbal teas like dandelion or nettle can help flush out toxins and reduce inflammation. Kegel exercises or yoga poses like squatting or child's pose can also strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve bladder control.

  • Colon Issues: The Moon rules the stomach along with the fluid levels in our body and combined with the complex energies of Scorpio, colon issues, such as constipation or irritable bowel syndrome, can also be aggravated during this time. To support colon health, incorporating fiber-rich foods like whole grains and vegetables into the diet can promote regular bowel movements and reduce inflammation. Herbal remedies like psyllium husk or slippery elm can also soothe the digestive tract and ease discomfort. Massaging the abdomen or practicing gentle twists in yoga can also stimulate digestion and relieve gas.

Are you interested in discovering the underlying causes of your health issues? Our holistic astrology readings can help you understand the connection between your astrological birth chart and your physical and emotional health. Our holistic practitioners will analyze your birth chart to identify potential health concerns and provide personalized insights and recommendations for improving your overall well-being. Our holistic astrology readings come with herbal treatment recommendations and alternative healing treatment recommendations to help you address any health issues that may be impacting your life. Our goal is to provide you with a holistic approach to health and wellness that is tailored to your unique astrological makeup. With our holistic astrology readings, you can take control of your health and start living your best life.

It is important to remember that medical astrology is not a substitute for traditional medical care and can be used in conjunction with traditional medical care as a holistic wellness practice.

Are you fascinated by the healing power of astrology? If so, we invite you to check out Modern Bush Woman's latest eBook on Holistic Astrology also known as medical astrology Using Astrology in Health and Wellness: A Guide to Integrating Astrology in Your Holistic Wellness Practice explores the connection between the stars, planets, and our health, offering practical advice on how to use herbs and astrology to support our wellbeing.

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