Spring into Action: Aries and Herbs for Spiritual, Physical, and Emotional Fitness
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Spring into Action: Aries and Herbs for Spiritual, Physical, and Emotional Fitness

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

The new moon in Aries on March 21, 2023, marks the beginning of the astrological year, and it is the perfect time to harness the energies of spring to heal and grow spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Incorporating the use of herbs associated with Aries can further enhance our healing and provide a natural, holistic approach to wellness. By utilizing the fiery energies of herbs, we can stimulate our energy and circulation, improve our digestion, and reduce inflammation and pain. Herbs of Mars, Aries, or the element Fire, in particular, can help with mental clarity, mood, and detoxification. During this new moon in Aries, let us take advantage of this powerful astrological energy and the rejuvenating energies of spring by incorporating herbs into our daily routines.

To fully benefit from the energies of this time, we can incorporate the use of various herbs that are associated with Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Here is a list of nine fiery herbs to incorporate into your New Moon and New Astrological Year rituals:

  1. Cayenne is a fiery herb associated with the planet Mars, which rules Aries. It can help boost our energy and stimulate circulation, making it perfect for kickstarting our physical and spiritual healing. It is also believed to be a natural pain reliever, making it useful for any physical discomfort we may be experiencing.

  2. Ginger, also associated with Mars, is a great herb for digestive and inflammatory issues. It can help reduce bloating and gas, and soothe stomach cramps. It is also believed to be a natural anti-inflammatory, making it useful for any pain or swelling we may be experiencing.

  3. Rosemary is a powerful herb associated with the element of fire, which is a key component of Aries's energy. It can help with memory and mental clarity, making it useful for any spiritual work or meditation we may be doing during this time. It is also believed to be a natural antiseptic, making it useful for any minor wounds or cuts we may have.

  4. Thyme is another herb associated with the element of fire, and it is useful for respiratory issues. It can help with coughs and congestion, making it perfect for anyone experiencing seasonal allergies or a cold. Thyme is also believed to be a natural mood booster, making it useful for anyone struggling with emotional issues during this time.

  5. Basil is another fiery herb associated with the element of fire. It is useful for digestion and anxiety, making it perfect for anyone who may be feeling stressed or overwhelmed during this time. It is also believed to be a natural anti-inflammatory, making it useful for any physical discomfort we may be experiencing.

  6. Peppermint is associated with Mars and is great for headaches and digestive issues. It can help soothe nausea and stomach pain, making it useful for anyone experiencing physical discomfort. Peppermint is also believed to be a natural energizer, making it useful for anyone feeling sluggish or low in energy.

  7. Nettle is a powerful herb associated with the element of fire. It can help with inflammation and allergies, making it perfect for anyone struggling with seasonal allergies or other inflammatory issues. It is also believed to be a natural detoxifier, making it useful for anyone looking to cleanse their body during this time.

  8. Garlic is another herb associated with Mars, and it is useful for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. It can help boost our immune system and ward off any illnesses we may be susceptible to during this time. Garlic is also believed to be a natural mood booster, making it useful for anyone struggling with emotional issues.

  9. Dandelion is associated with the element of fire, and it is useful for liver and digestive issues. It can help cleanse the liver and improve digestion, making it perfect for anyone looking to detox their body during this time. Dandelion is also believed to be a natural diuretic, making it useful for anyone experiencing water retention or bloating.

The new moon and astrological new year mark a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. These powerful astrological events provide an opportunity to set intentions for healing and growth physically, mentally, and emotionally. By incorporating the use of herbs associated with Aries, we can enhance our healing and promote holistic wellness. Here are three new moon and three astrological new year rituals for healing using the herbs mentioned above.

New Moon Rituals:

  • Cayenne and Ginger Tea: Brew a cup of tea using cayenne and ginger to kickstart your physical and spiritual healing. Cayenne and ginger are both fiery herbs associated with the planet Mars, which rules Aries. This tea will help boost your energy and stimulate circulation, making it perfect for starting a new exercise routine or any physical activity that you want to begin. It can also help reduce inflammation and pain, making it useful for any physical discomfort you may be experiencing. Add a touch of honey or lemon to enhance the flavor.

  • Rosemary and Thyme Meditation: Burn rosemary and thyme incense or diffuse their essential oils while meditating to promote mental clarity and relaxation. Both rosemary and thyme are associated with the element of fire, which is a key component of Aries's energy. This meditation will help with memory and mental clarity, making it useful for any spiritual work or meditation you may be doing during this time. It can also help with respiratory issues, making it perfect for anyone experiencing seasonal allergies or a cold.

  • Basil and Peppermint Bath: Create an herbal bath using basil and peppermint to soothe anxiety and promote physical relaxation. Basil is associated with the element of fire and is useful for digestion and anxiety, making it perfect for anyone who may be feeling stressed or overwhelmed during this time. Peppermint is associated with Mars and is great for headaches and digestive issues. This herbal bath will help relax your body and mind, promote better sleep, and alleviate physical discomfort.

Astrological New Year Rituals:

  • Sage and Basil Smudging: Burn sage and basil to cleanse your space and promote positive energy. Sage is associated with the element of fire and can help remove negative energy, while basil is useful for its calming and uplifting properties. This ritual is perfect for starting the new astrological year with a clean slate and positive energy.

  • Peppermint and Ginger Foot Soak: Soak your feet in a peppermint and ginger foot soak to relax your body and promote circulation. Peppermint is associated with Mars and is useful for headaches and digestive issues, while ginger is great for circulation and inflammation. This foot soak will help relax your body, stimulate circulation, and reduce inflammation and pain.

  • Nettle and Ginger Tea: Create a nettle and ginger tea to boost your energy and reduce inflammation. Nettle is a powerful herb associated with the element of fire. It can help with inflammation and allergies, making it perfect for anyone struggling with seasonal allergies or other inflammatory issues. Ginger is associated with Mars and is great for digestive and inflammatory issues. This tonic will help stimulate your energy and circulation, reduce inflammation, and improve digestion.

The new moon and astrological new year provide a powerful opportunity for healing and growth physically, mentally, and emotionally. By incorporating the use of herbs associated with Aries, we can enhance our healing and promote holistic wellness. These rituals provide a natural, holistic approach to wellness that can help us start anew and set intentions for the future. May we all find healing and growth in our spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being.

Are you fascinated by the healing power of astrology? If so, we invite you to check out Modern Bush Woman's latest eBook on Holistic Astrology also known as medical astrology Using Astrology in Health and Wellness: A Guide to Integrating Astrology in Your Holistic Wellness Practice explores the connection between the stars, planets, and our health, offering practical advice on how to use herbs and astrology to support our wellbeing.

And if you're interested in learning more about the connection between herbs and astrology, keep an eye out for our upcoming Herbal Astrology eBook. This eBook will explore the medicinal properties of herbs and how they relate to the zodiac signs and planets.

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